The Stage 32 Videos: Graphic Novel Series


Here is the Campaign video for my upcoming Kickstarter Campaign to raise funds to print the next 3 books of my series, "Black Project". Black Project is actually the first story I took seriously after high school, and wrote as a screenplay upon finishing Film School back in 1995. The last time I worked on the script was in 2000 and I put it away. I moved on and ended up having a career as a Storyboard artist, and only took coming back to comics when I rediscovered Black Project's script files on an old back up disk. Safe to say, revisiting my first script was not pleasant as I found myself cringing, but, I saw its potential and reformatted the script to be a comic series. I've made a lot of changes visually, character, and with story arcs but the core of the story is the same, and its been possibly the most fruitful experience as a creator than I have ever had in any other discipline. Launch is in a few days, and I hope to see you all on Kickstarter soon!


Here is our welcome video on our new website set to launch in the next couple of weeks. Super excited!!

Welcome to the XCT catchup trailer

Here is a trailer for our comic and graphic novel series the Xtreme Champion Tournament. This catchup video allows new readers to watch the video and follow the storyline up to the point of our next graphic novel XCT: Monsters. Enjoy!

Fearsome Warrior Book Trailer

Book trailer for the graphic novel series created by David M. Wallace.
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